RAID’s Six-Step Holistic Process to High-Performance Storage

With the Digital Revolution came data, and a lot of it. Data comprises everything from kilobyte-sized thumbnail images to vast petabyte-sized data lakes. Without data, the human race would find itself back in the Stone Age. A majority of people take the value of data for granted, most likely due to its plentifulness. However, the people who comprise Team RAID have dedicated their lives to the science of data and data storage. For us, data storage transcends business—we’re responsible for safeguarding our digital future.

Knowledgeable, Professional and Reputable

RAID Incorporated has been in the storage businesses for nearly three decades. To put that in perspective, we’ve been in the data storage business since when magneto-optical drives were cutting edge technology. In those days, the largest magneto-optical disc available commercially offered 650-megabyte to 9.2-gigabyte capacities.

The RAID team as a collective has almost 100 years of combined experience and expertise in data storage, data science, data technology, among other fields.

In addition to that, the RAID team has developed a holistic and vendor-agnostic six-step program to better assist clients, as well as educate them concerning enterprise data storage.  In this program, we establish ourselves as a partner with our clients. This is essential to grasp the unique challenges they’re facing. Once team RAID understands those challenges, we devise an appropriate solution, design it, develop it, and implement it.

The ultimate goal is to provide clients with superior-in-quality, high-performance storage solutions that produce accelerated results. Most importantly, we want to be sure whatever enterprise data storage solution we implement integrates seamlessly into a preexisting infrastructure. Our holistic six-step approach is renowned among those in academic circles, research facilities, government institutions, as well as commercially.

As a result, our team has been fortunate enough to build long-lasting relationships with a number of authorities within these sectors. And we here at RAID Incorporated welcome you and your team to partner with us as well.

The Six Steps

1. Needs and Issues

Our team of expert engineers follows an extensive process of examining each layer of a client’s unique environment and IT infrastructure to gain an understanding of the situation. This step is includes clients who purchase a full turnkey solution or merely a single product. In essence, each client becomes a member of Team RAID and is included in each step of the program. By doing it this way, RAID Incorporated ensures that whatever storage solution they’ve invested is a huge success.

2. Goals and Expectations

Team RAID has a depth of practical expertise across a range of industries. We understand the requirements and possible hindrances of various workplaces. In the second step of our program, it’s time to consider potential trade-offs involving performance, functionality, usability, and cost. The last thing we want is for our clients to invest in a data storage solution that fails to bring a return on their investment.

3. Proof of Concept

Once we have reached a consensus with a client concerning system design, it’s time to blueprint several compatible data storage solutions. We then present our final recommendations to the client based on their situation and desired cost range.

4. Physical Solution

The successful delivery of storage requires time and dedication. After all, investing in storage solutions isn’t a trivial matter for any organization, big or small. Thus, our team continues to make an assessment of the client’s computing and storage requirements up until the day of installation. Again, each situation is distinct from another, so it’s important for us not to rush to conclusions. The last thing anyone wants is to find out that we sold a client the wrong solution and must start from scratch.

5. Installation

Team RAID only recruits the most skilled, professional, and courteous engineers and technicians; they’re usually the main ones who work the closest with clients. This is because enterprise data storage specialists work on the front lines—conducting most of the onsite assessments, responsible for installation, as well as maintenance. They’re also charged with ensuring the installation site is ready to handle the added energy and cooling requirements introduced by the new storage device(s). Once everything is in order, our engineers and technicians will deliver the new data storage solution to the site, install it, and test all its components.

6. Concierge Technical Support

RAID Incorporated provides each client concierge technical support post-installation. Since we treat our clients as a part of team RAID, they’re assigned a dedicated support team: a support engineer, an engineering manager, and a sales consultant. The support engineer is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The purpose of such commitment is to promote a company culture centered around great service, as well as user education. We shouldn’t forget to mention that we have partnered with top data tech firms as well, which places us more or less at the top of our space.

Our cutting edge solutions address data management challenges experienced in every industry. That’s exactly why the nation’s leading enterprises, laboratories, academic institutions, research organizations, and government agencies call us when they require data storage-related solutions. The team at RAID Incorporated handle all aspects of every project—no need for subcontractors. We do it all, from planning, designing, developing, implementing, and supporting our clients throughout the life of their chosen data storage solution. To learn more about our products, services, or this six-step program, contact one of our data experts today!